Word of the day: July 27

Dev & startup terminologies | Noun

an app which puts food on the table, unlike millennials who still live with their parents. Bread-and-Butter application informally designates essential software without which a business cannot function or would be significantly impacted if it went down. This type of software is usually given the mos [...]

"“Inventory is our bread-and-butter application” “I was told this is a gluten-free company during the [...]"

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Just a random word

Dev & startup terminologies | Noun

an app which puts food on the table, unlike millennials who still live with their parents. Bread-and-Butter application informally designates essential software without which a business cannot function or would be significantly impacted if it went down. This type of software is usually given the mos [...]

““Inventory is our bread-and-butter application” “I was told this is a gluten-free company during the [...]

Added by Get IT Guy